sahaayak mathaadhikaaree example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sahaayak mathaadhikaaree usage in english sentences. The examples of sahaayak mathaadhikaaree are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., prior.

The rationing system was revived in the wake of an acute food shortage during the 1960s, prior to the Green Revolution.

Green manure: Prior to the sowing of the crop seeds, some plants like sun hemp or guar are grown and then mulched by ploughing them into the soil.
Dictation has been introduced in its current, updated form as a variety of activities designed to integrate the language skills of listening, prior reading, language processing and recall, and writing, including the appropriate use of punctuation in meaningful contexts.
Citizens have to take prior permission from the censor authorities of the government for making a speech or publishing news and views.
There was no British nation prior to the eighteenth century.
Section 117C will apply to debentures issued and pending to be redeemed and, therefore, DRR will also be created for debentures issued prior to 1 1 2000 and pending redemption.
Section 117C will apply to debentures issued and pending to be redeemed and, therefore, DRR will also be created for debentures issued prior to 1 1 2000 and pending redemption.
Section 117C will apply to debentures issued and pending to be redeemed and, therefore, DRR will also be created for debentures issued prior to 1 1 2000 and pending redemption.
Section 117C will apply to debentures issued and pending to be redeemed and, therefore, DRR will also be created for debentures issued prior to 1 1 2000 and pending redemption.
Section 117C will apply to debentures issued and pending to be redeemed and, therefore, DRR will also be created for debentures issued prior to 1 1 2000 and pending redemption.
संबंधित शब्द सहायक मठाधिकारी के पर्यायवाची